1. docs
  2. components
  3. card


Displays a card with section, header, content, and footer.



Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.


Copy and paste the following code into your project.

"use client";

import * as React from "react";

import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { tv, VariantProps } from "tailwind-variants";

const CardContext = React.createContext<{ horizontal?: boolean }>({});

const cardVariants = tv({
  variants: {
    horizontal: {
      true: "flex flex-row w-fit",

const cardChildrenVariants = tv({
  variants: {
    shadow: {
      true: "shadow-md shadow-gray-500/40 dark:shadow-none",

type CardProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> &
  VariantProps<typeof cardVariants>;

const Card = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CardProps>(
  ({ className, horizontal, ...props }, ref) => (
    <CardContext.Provider value={{ horizontal }}>
          "bg-white dark:bg-zinc-900 text-card-foreground shadow-md rounded-xl w-96 border-0 dark:border-[1.5px] dark:border-muted",
          cardVariants({ horizontal }),
Card.displayName = "Card";

const CardSection = React.forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
  const { horizontal } = React.useContext(CardContext);
  return (
        "[&_*]:w-full  [&_*]:my-0 overflow-hidden rounded-t-xl",
          "flex-row [&_*]:w-fit [&_*]:h-full first:rounded-l-xl last:rounded-r-xl rounded-t-none":
CardSection.displayName = "CardSection";

const CardHeader = React.forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
  return (
        "relative text-center h-fit overflow-hidden  mx-4 [&_*]:w-full [&_*]:my-0 -mt-6  shadow-lg bg-clip-border rounded-xl bg-primary text-primary-foreground shadow-gray-500/40 dark:shadow-none *:",
CardHeader.displayName = "CardHeader";

type CardContentProps = React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> &
  VariantProps<typeof cardChildrenVariants>;

const CardContent = React.forwardRef<HTMLDivElement, CardContentProps>(
  ({ shadow, className, ...props }, ref) => {
    const { horizontal } = React.useContext(CardContext);
    return (
          "p-6 space-y-1.5",
          { "space-y-2": horizontal },
          cardChildrenVariants({ shadow }),
CardContent.displayName = "CardContent";

const CardFooter = React.forwardRef<
>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
  return <div ref={ref} className={cn("p-6 pt-0 space-y-2", className)} {...props} />;
CardFooter.displayName = "CardFooter";

export { Card, CardHeader, CardContent, CardSection, CardFooter };

Update the import paths to match your project setup.


The Card component is a container that displays a card with a section, header and content


CardSection is a special component that is used to remove Card padding, margin and sets width to 100% for its children while other elements still have horizontal spacing.


Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.


CardHeader is a special component that is used to display a header in the card. and has negative margin to remove the top padding of the card and push the header to the top and give cool design

Ladakh Trip Sale

Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.

CardContent and CardFooter

CardContent is a simple component that is used to display content in the card, it has basic padding and margin to give a good look

CardFooter is a simple component that is used to display footer in the card, it has same padding as CardContent, but doesnt have top padding ( because the card content have p-6, it will give enough white-space for footer), so it can be used to display footer in the card

Here is a demo of a simple card with content

Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.


The Card can also have be horizontal

Set the horizontal prop to true to make the card horizontal


Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.


Profile Card

This card template is perfect for showcasing individuals, including team members, employees, or event speakers, on a company website, event page, or within an app.


Alexa Banter

CEO of Flex Entertainment, a record label that has signed artists like

Pricing Card

This card template is perfect for showcasing pricing plans, including features, benefits, and pricing details, on a company website, event page, or within an app.

Starter Plan


Get 5 GB of storage

300 uploads per month

500 downloads per month

Feedback from users

30 days of free support

Unlimited Access

Blog Card

This card template is perfect for showcasing blog posts, including titles, authors, dates, and summaries, on a company website, event page, or within an app.


Ladakh Bike ride India

The Ladakh Bike Ride is one of the most exciting and adventurous bike rides in India. The bike ride takes you through the beautiful landscapes of Ladakh.


14 July 2024

Api Reference

Card Props

horizontalbooleanDetermines if the card layout is horizontal.
classNamestringThe CSS class name for the card component.
childrenReactNodeThe children elements to be rendered inside the card.
refReact.Ref<HTMLDivElement>Ref to attach to the card element.

CardContent Props

shadowbooleanApplies shadow styling to the card content.
classNamestringThe CSS class name for the card content component.
childrenReactNodeThe children elements to be rendered inside the card content.
refReact.Ref<HTMLDivElement>Ref to attach to the card content element.

CardSection Props

horizontalbooleanDetermines if the card section layout is horizontal. ( this is direclty passed down from Card so, no need to specify it here)
classNamestringThe CSS class name for the card section component.
childrenReactNodeThe children elements to be rendered inside the card section.
refReact.Ref<HTMLDivElement>Ref to attach to the card section element.

CardHeader Props

classNamestringThe CSS class name for the card header component.
childrenReactNodeThe children elements to be rendered inside the card header.
refReact.Ref<HTMLDivElement>Ref to attach to the card header element.

CardFooter Props

classNamestringThe CSS class name for the card footer component.
childrenReactNodeThe children elements to be rendered inside the card footer.
refReact.Ref<HTMLDivElement>Ref to attach to the card footer element.